Monday, September 19, 2011

Defiance And Defeat

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Recap of the sermon from September 18, 2011 (Daniel 11:36-12:3):

1. “The entire section from Daniel 11:36 to 12:3 constitutes a revelation of the major factors of the time of the end, namely: (1) a world ruler, (2) a world religion, (3) a world war, (4) a time of great tribulation for Israel, (5) deliverance for the people of God at the end of the tribulation [those who become converted after the NT church has been removed by the Rapture at the beginning of the seventieth week], (6) resurrection and judgment, and (7) reward of the righteous. All of these factors are introduced in this section.” (John Walvoord)

2. Daniel 11:36-45 describes the Antichrist of the end times; his character, activities, and demise. He is self-willed with absolute power; he defies God and exalts himself above God abolishing all religion; he deifies himself; through political and religious power he becomes vastly wealthy; he controls the economies of the world; he will be attacked from the South and the North; he will defeat Egypt and her allies and make Palestine his base of operations; he will be defeated by Jesus Christ at His return. His career is catalogued in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 and Revelation 13:1-10; 19:20; 20:10.

3. These events all take place during the last three and one-half years of the Tribulation period. The land and people of Israel will be the focal point for the end times wars, the world will be in turmoil and without hope, God’s people [believers of that day, the Church will already have been raptured out] will be persecuted and be without hope except in the Lord. God will intervene to deliver them and those killed in the persecution will be resurrected at the end of the Tribulation.

4. The lesson for believers of all era (Old Testament, Church Age, Tribulation) is as expressed by Warren Wiersbe: “No matter what kind of affliction or tribulation God permits you to experience, He is still in control.”