Monday, October 31, 2011

From Eternity to Here

A study of the book of John.  Click here to download the sermon.

Recap of the sermon from October 30th:
1. The Gospel of John gives a distinctive portrait of Jesus Christ. Ninety-two to ninety-three percent of the content of the book is unique to John as compared with the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke. Dr. Edwin Blum writes: “When one compares the Gospel of John with the other three Gospels, he is struck by the distinctiveness of John’s presentation. John does not include Jesus’ genealogy, birth, baptism, temptation, casting out of demons, parables, transfiguration, instituting of the Lord’s Supper, His agony in Gethsemane, or His Ascension. John’s presentation of Jesus stresses His ministry in Jerusalem, the feast of the Jewish nation, Jesus’ contacts with individuals in private conversations, and His ministry to His disciples.”
2. John’s purpose in writing is seen in the key verses of the book, 20:30,31. Walter M. Dunnett writes: “Thus, John has stated his purpose. In writing the story of Christ, he has sought to bring his readers face to face with this person who by His words and His works confronts men and women with a great decision. From first to last Christ is described as deity (1:1; 20:28). Yet He has come in human form (1:14) so that He might give Himself to bring life to those who sit in the shadow of death (12:23,24). No only did Christ die, but He rose again (chap. 20). As the living Lord, He calls forth the devotion and loyalty of His followers (21:15-19).
3. The outline of the book is as follows:
Prologue 1:1-18
Public teaching and miracles 1:19-12:50
Private teaching 13-17
Passion and Resurrection 18-20
Postlude (or epilogue) 21