Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A First Century "Who's Who"

Our study in the Book of John continues.
Click here to download the sermon.

Recap of 11/13/11 (John 1:19-28):

1. In his book Ordering Your Private World, Gordon McDonald asked the question: “Are we driven people or called people?”

2. He lists the following characteristics of drivenness:

-gratified only by accomplishment

-preoccupied with the symbols of accomplishment (status, power, title, pay, etc.)

-uncontrolled pursuit of expansion

-limited regard for integrity (concerned only with the ends not the means)

-limited or undeveloped people skills (uses people instead of developing them)

-highly competitive

-driven by anger/resentment

-usually abnormally busy, a workaholic

-King Saul is the Biblical example of a driven person.

3. He lists the following characteristics of the called person:

-called people understand stewardship (one who manages something for the owner) of our careers, assets, natural and spiritual gifts, health. 1 Corinthians 4:7

-called people know exactly who they are, they do not confuse who they are with what they do.

-called people possess an unwavering sense of purpose

-called people understand unswerving commitment

-peace and joy

-John the Baptist is the Biblical example of a called person.