Thursday, February 23, 2012

13,879 Days

Click here to download the sermon as we continue in John 5:7-15.

Recap of February 19, 2012 (John 5:7-11):

1. The characteristics of Jesus’ healing ministry (source: Charismatic Chaos by Dr. John MacArthur):
-Jesus healed with a word or a touch
“There were no theatrics, no special environment.”
-Jesus healed instantaneously
“Jesus never did ‘progressive’ healing. If Jesus had not healed instantly, there would have been no miraculous element sufficient to demonstrate His deity. His critics could easily have said the healing was just a natural process.”
-Jesus healed totally – no recuperation period was necessary
-Jesus healed everybody
“Unlike healers today, Jesus did not leave long lines of disappointed people who had to return home in their wheelchairs. He did not have healing services or programs that ended at a certain time because of airline or television schedules. Luke 4:40 tells us, ‘And while the sun was setting, all who had any sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and laying His hands on every one of them, He was healing them’ [emphasis added]. Luke 9:11 records a similar example.”
-Jesus healed organic disease
“Jesus did not go up and down Palestine healing lower back pain, heart palpitations, headaches, and other invisible ailments. He healed the most obvious kinds of organic disease—crippled legs, withered hands, blind eyes, palsy—all healing that were undeniably miraculous.”
-Jesus raised the dead