Monday, November 26, 2012

Promises for the Troubled Part 3

Click here to download the sermon.
Recap of 11/25/12 (John 14:15-16):

1. Jesus links love for Him with obedience to His commands. 

2.  “What is the measure of your love for Christ?  It is measured by your obedience to His Word.  Obedience is the true test of love.  If I say I love the Savior and you see in my life nothing but disobedience, then I’m only mouthing words…The foundation of spiritual power and spiritual experience is obedience. (John G. Mitchell)

3.  In the context of the Upper Room Discourse the specific command which Jesus has in mind is the command to love one another (13:34; 15:12,17).  If I love others as Jesus commands, I will: serve them, give myself for them, be forbearing, be forgiving, and will not return a wrong for a wrong.

4.  The result of obedience to Jesus’ commands is intimate fellowship with Him (John 14:21,23).  If I sense the lack of intimacy with Jesus there may be an issue of obedience in my life.

5. In the first of several mentions of the Holy Spirit in this discourse, Jesus promises His disciples another counselor to be with them in His absence to Heaven. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Paraclete (a transliteration of the Greek word), Comforter (KJV),  Counselor (NIV), Helper (NASB).  He would be their advocate.  The term means “one who is called to the side of another to give help.”  The Holy Spirit would counsel them, direct them, comfort them, strengthen them.  “The Holy Spirit takes away our inadequacies and enables us to cope with life.  [He] substitutes victorious for defeated living” (William Barclay).