Sunday, December 17, 2006

Life Without God

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Recap of 12-17-06 (1 Kings 15:25-16:28)
1. The Northern Kingdom was characterized by instability, murder, pride, ambition, conflict, drunkenness, and suicide. Every king was evil in that they continued the ways of idolatry and false worship. In God’s eyes they excelled only in evil, no matter how much the world looked upon them as successes. When people reject God they forfeit real peace and stability.
2. God sent prophets to call them back from their evil ways yet they persisted in going the way of death. God takes no delight in the death of the wicked. His patience, sometimes taken as inability to act, is meant to bring people to Himself (2 Peter 3:9).
3. Pride is the tendency to take credit for what God has done. God’s people should take pride in their relationship with Him, recognizing that all we are and have is from God. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; 4:7; Jeremiah 9:23,24