Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Questions

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Recap of 12-24-06 (John 1:1-18)
1. The Apostle John begins his gospel with a prologue in which he introduces the themes of the book. He argues for the full deity and true humanity of Jesus Christ. He is the God-man. We won’t understand Jesus’ teaching and His works without understanding who He is.
2. John supports the deity of Jesus Christ by emphasizing that He is pre-existent (He existed before anything was), that He was face-to-face with God the Father in eternity, that He had a role in creation, and that He was the giver of life and light. This One became flesh (vs. 14)
3. John’s claims are backed up by eyewitness accounts, those who knew Jesus, heard His words, saw His works.4. Those who received Jesus (i.e. believed in Him) were born-again supernaturally and made a part of God’s family.