Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lessons from a Frog (Phil. 1:19-26)

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 9/9/07:
1. Paul looked forward to each day with anticipation because it was another chance to glorify Jesus Christ and to be useful to Him.
2. He found strength in the prayers of others for him and in the help given to him by the Holy Spirit.
3. We must pray for the needs of others (as well as our own needs), prayer for right thinking and right acting in all the challenges of life.
4. We must not rely upon our own strength but on God’s abundant provision to us through the Holy Spirit, yielding to Him daily.
5. As with Paul, we must be fully concentrated on magnifying Jesus Christ, making Him more clearly seen to those around us.
6. We ought to be making progress in our spiritual lives, not just marking time. (Phil 2:12-16; 3:12-14; 1 Tim 4:15,16a; Col 2:6-7; 2 Peter 1:5-9)