Monday, September 24, 2007

Time For A Tune-up

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Philippians Series
Chapter 2:1-11
Recap of 9/23/07:
1. The Philippians should have been unified because of the spiritual realities they shared in Jesus, and because of His selfless example of humility.
2. Instead there was a growing problem of disunity in the church.
3. True unity in a church is only possible where there is humility lived out by the members.
4. The Philippians were one in Christ, had received His love, were indwelt by the Holy Spirit and had experienced the tenderness and compassion of Jesus Christ. It was inconceivable that they would, in light of that, live selfishly.
5. Jesus is the prime example of selfless living in that He willingly veiled His glory and limited the exercise of some of His attributes and prerogatives to become the God-man. His humility extended even to the worst kind of death. Jesus exemplified living for and serving others rather than insisting on His rights. He “yielded for the good of others.”