Monday, August 18, 2008

Let's Make A Deal

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of August 17, 2008:

Suggestions from the Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley about the things what parents should teach their children and how they should go about it:
-We must train our children: to pray, to worship, to read the Bible with understanding and benefit, to turn to Jesus when in need, to know the central truths of the faith, to love others, to love self, to obey authority, to control their impulses (i.e. to learn to delay gratification), to act responsibly, to deal with the moral conflicts of secular life, and to manage the practical skills of living on the earth (e.g. pay bills on time, managing a checkbook [or debit card], washing cloths, cooking, driving, living within their means, etc.)
-Training them starts with giving them lots of affections (eye contact, attentive listening, time alone with you); we must be an example of what we are trying to teach them (not “do what I say, not what I do”); we must teach them verbally, in both planned times and teachable moments of life; we must be consistent in discipline; as spouses we must be united in discipline; we must seek support from other Christians; and we must take the long view (realizing there may be set backs along the way).