Thursday, August 28, 2008

Let's Make A Deal, Pt 2

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of August 24, 2008:

1. In Genesis 18 we learn about the justice of God:
-He never acts capriciously (never in haste, never rashly, never ill-informed)
-He will withhold judgment for the sake of the righteous
-He will judge the unrighteous and preserve the righteous in the midst of judgment
-we must intercede for the righteous and unrighteous in our culture
2. Abraham is an example for us of intercession
-He began by acknowledging God’s justice (the rightness of His actions, He always acts rightly)
-He prays for the preservation of the righteous
-He prays for the unrighteous to be spared
-He prays boldly and persistently
-He prays on the basis of his knowledge of God’s character