Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Remember Lot's Wife & Other Good Advice

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Recap of August 31, 2008 sermon:

1. Genesis 19 is a warning to unbelievers about sin and judgment. God’s patience with sinners has an end.
2. Genesis 19 is a warning to believers about getting too cozy with the world and its tragic consequences.
3. The chapter describes the tragic unraveling of Lot’s family. From his first leering look at Sodom and the cities of the plain (Gen 13:10), to pitching his tents near Sodom (Gen 13:12), to living in the city (Gen 14:12), to becoming a leading citizen of it (Gen 19:1), Lot’s life was a lie. He had no positive spiritual influence over the city or even his own family. As one writer said: “…it was difficult to get Lot out of Sodom, and Sodom out of Lot’s family.”
4. As with Lot, so much of life is made up of small decisions that have momentous impact on the course of our lives and on the lives of our families. A commentator said: “Where did Lot lose his dignity and faith? Not in big earth-shaking decisions but in making numerous small choices that left God out of his life.”