Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Encounters on the Road to Reconciliation, Pt 4

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of the sermon from March 29, 2009:
1. Jacob’s whole life he has been dependent upon himself, going from struggle to struggle, living out his name “heel-catcher,” “deceiver,” “supplanter”. God confronts him about his life through the wrestling match. Jacob had been determined to have his own way, in his own strength. He must now learn the necessity of depending upon God, clinging to God in his weakness.
2. God must remind us periodically who we are, asking of us the same question He asked of Jacob, “What’s your name?” He reminds us that we have a new name given to us by Him. He reminds us that we cannot live the old way, but rather must live in dependence upon Him.
3. We must, like Jacob, cease striving to have our own way, acknowledge our weakness, and cling to God.