Monday, April 06, 2009

Triumph & Tragedy

Click here to download the sermon file.

Please note: the audio quality is poor and this recording begins with the sermon already well-underway. (Our apologies).

Re-cap - 4/12/09:

1. “Of the many deficiencies that plague us, broken relationships seem the hardest to put right, the easiest to let slide, and yet the most important to resolve. The psalmist says, ‘How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity’ (Ps 133:1). Yet, often, we let ruptured relationships drift on from year to year.” (Dr. Michael Pocock)

2. Several issues stand in the way of reconciliation: Fear that the person will not accept our overture; fear that they will not forgive us if we are the offender; fear that reconciliation will diminish the offense; pride, an unwillingness to humble ourselves; and desire for revenge.

3. Steps to build or rebuild relationship from Ephesians 4:25-32: speak the truth in love; keep short accounts; choose to be constructive in relationship not destructive; choose kindness and compassion not anger and bitterness; forgive as we have been forgiven.