Monday, October 25, 2010

Distancing Ourselves from the Disobedient

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Recap of 10/24/10 (Ephesians 5:4-6):
1. Paul’s point in Ephesians 5:1-6 is summarized well by Dr. Harold Hoehner in the following: “God’s view of sin should be taken seriously. Believers should be imitators of God, not evildoers.”
2. A believer’s lifestyle and words should reflect their relationship with God not the lifestyle and words of those who are in rebellion against God, who are not saved.
3. Paul warns against the kind of vulgar and coarse humor which mocks things that are holy. While a sense of humor is a great asset, humor should never be used to denigrate human weakness or goodness, or to destroy others or to tear them down.
4. Believers are warned against an irresponsible lifestyle of sin that presumes upon God’s grace. Grace brings with it a responsibility to live a lifestyle pleasing to the Lord. Christians are not to live in license or lawlessness but in responsible liberty.