Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Breakfast By The Shore

Click here to download the sermon.

Recap of 4/28/13 (John 20:30-21:14):
1.  “I know that today there are many people who say, ‘If only I could see Him, if only I could touch Him, then I would believe.’  The problem is not with the lack of available evidence of the death and resurrection.  The problem is in the human heart.  The Gospel is a record of signs—evidences—which the reader must weigh.  Its aim is to lead us to faith in Christ because in Him alone can we find life.”  (Author Unknown).
2.  The Bible is a book of evidences.  Faith is not a leap in the dark but a firm commitment to the evidence presented in the Biblical record, especially concerning the nature, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3.  “Unless Jesus Christ has invaded your life, you are lost in your sins: without God, without life, without hope of heaven.  Becoming a Christ is not simply joining a church, signing a card, or walking an aisle…. true faith comes as a result of believing on Jesus Christ, God’s Son, to solve your sin problem.  It is trusting Him to do something for you that you cannot do yourself.  Have you done that?  If not …open your heart to the Savior, Jesus Christ.”  (Walk Thru One-Year Bible)
4.  “Nowadays we drive and plan and put on courses galore trying to get Christians to do what should be their natural practice, not only with regard to reaching the lost, but with regard to church attendance, tithing, missions, and all other phases of service.  All of this should be spontaneous expression of our love for Christ and others.” (Vance Havner)