Wednesday, April 24, 2013

From Doubt to Faith

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Recap of 4/21/13 (John 20:19-29):
1. of Jesus’ ten appearances after the resurrection, John records four of them:
-To Mary Magdalene, 20:11-18
-To 10 Apostles with Thomas absent, 20:19-25
-To 10 Apostles with Thomas present, 20:26-29
-To 7 Apostles by the Sea of Galilee, 21:1-14
2.  Jesus appears bodily in a closed and locked room where the disciples hid for fear of the authorities.  He announces peace.  In the words of G. Campbell Morgan: “[Jesus words] had behind them the authority of His death and resurrection.  He had faced and defeated all the forces which destroy the peace of man.  He was making a declaration…bestowing a benediction…imparting a blessing.  The things you fear are powerless to harm you.  Death is not the end; … Be at peace, for whether in life or death you are safe.”
3.  Jesus commissioned them again to spread the gospel, He empowered them with a temporary filling of the Holy Spirit (anticipating the Day of Pentecost); and gave them authority to announce the forgiveness of sin.  “Jesus was giving the apostles (and by extension, the church) the privilege of announcing heaven’s terms on how a person can receive forgiveness.  If one believes in Jesus, the a Christian has the right to announce his forgiveness.  If a person rejects Jesus’ sacrifice, then a Christian can announce that that person is not forgiven.” (Dr. Edwin Blum)
4.  “Have you ever wished you could actually see Jesus, touch Him, and hear His words?  Some people think they could believe in Jesus if they saw a definite sign or miracle.  But Jesus says we are blessed when we believe without seeing.  We have all the proof we need in the words of the Bible and the testimony of believers.” (The NLT One-Year Study Bible).