Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Road to Restoration

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Recap of 2-18-07 (1 Kings 19:13b-21)
1. To help Elijah to deal with his discouragement and despair, God first provided him with food, water, and rest. Now He gave him work to do.
2. The importance of work:
-it is a gift to us, a part of creation before the Fall, an extension of God’s work
-it brings a sense of worth, accomplishment, dignity
-it brings the respect of our neighbors, essential to spreading the gospel
-the Bible warns against idleness
-by working we meet our own needs, as well as the needs of God’s work and others
-our purpose in work is to glorify God
3. The third way God ministered to Elijah’s need was by providing him with someone to share the work.