Sunday, February 04, 2007

Five Dangers to Avoid

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Recap of 2-4-07 (1 Kings 19:1-7)
1. Despite Elijah’s victory on Mt. Carmel a threat from Jezebel sends him into a tailspin and he despairs of life, feeling overwhelmed and like he can’t take anymore. His state is not unlike that of many Christians today.
2. From the heights of great victory to the depths of despair can happen in a moment when we are unaware of the dangers waiting to assail our spiritual life and health. There are five altogether. The first three are:
-the danger in taking our eyes off the Lord and onto our circumstances
-the danger of estimating the enemy of our souls and falling for his schemes
-the danger of neglecting the physical (rest/relaxation/food), for the physical affects the emotional and spiritual.