Sunday, February 11, 2007

Five Dangers to Avoid, Pt 2

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Recap of 2-11-07 (1 Kings 19:8-13a)
1. There are five dangers to our spiritual health and vitality we must be aware of. To fail to recognize them is to invite discouragement and despair. They are:
-the danger in taking our eyes off the Lord and onto our circumstances
-the danger of estimating the enemy of our souls and falling for his schemes
-the danger of neglecting the physical (rest/relaxation/food), for the physical affects the emotional and spiritual
-the danger of success and pride, failing to give God credit, a sense that we are indispensable to Him and His work
-the danger of addiction to the spectacular, the dramatic, in our spiritual lives, not realizing that God more often than not, works in the ordinary
2. We must learn an appreciation for God’s work in the ordinary things of life. We cannot always be on the mountaintop or have mountaintop experiences. Most of what God accomplishes He accomplishes through ordinary people doing the ordinary things that make life. To be faithful in the ordinary is to be faithful indeed.