Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Faith Conquers Fear, Part 2

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The sermon recap from July 13, 2008:

1. In tough situations of delay or discouragement we must remember Whose we are. God will protect us and provide for us. “God is our protection and provision, so we need not fear the enemy without or our feelings within.” (Warren Wiersbe)
2. God had to once again get Abram to look up (vs. 5 cp. with Genesis 13:4). We are too often focused on ourselves, our circumstances, or those around us; all the while God is trying to get us focused on Him and His blessings/promises.
3. The Hebrew word translated “believe” in vs. 6 is related to the word translated “amen.” To believe is to say amen to what God has said.
4. Paul uses Genesis 15:6 in Romans 4:1-5,20-24 and Galatians 3:6-9 to illustrate the great truth that justification (a standing of positive righteousness in God’s sight-God sees us with the righteousness of Jesus) on the basis of faith, not on the basis of works. We began the Christian life by faith and we continue to please God by faith, not by works.
5. “Faith gave Abraham his security. God would be Abraham’s protector; God would prosper his life; God would take fear from Abraham’s heart and give him courage.” (Life Application Bible)