Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Faith Conquers Fear

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Selecting today's sermon will open a file of the July 6th sermon already in progress.

Recap from July 6, 2008:

1. In Chapter 15 Abram is fearful. His fear may have been caused by: fear of reprisal by the Eastern Kings he had just raided; by second thoughts about having refused the spoils of the victory of Chapter 14; or by the delay of God giving him a child, on which the promises of God hinged.
2. As God does throughout the Scripture for His people, He encouraged Abram (other Scriptures where God encouraged the discouraged are John 9:35 and Acts 23:11).
3. God told Abram to focus on Him. He was his shield (protection, safety) and his reward (no earthly material gain could compare with what Abram had in God).
4. When we find ourselves fearful and discouraged we are, in effect, doubting God’s character and His provision for us. Abram was “… as safe as God Himself could keep Him” and “… as happy as God Himself could make him.” (Matthew Henry)