Monday, July 28, 2008

What's In A Name?

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“What’s in a Name?” - Pastor Joe Ricchuiti
Reference: Genesis 17:1-15 and Psalm 107:23

I. A new name vv. 1-8

II. A new sign vv. 9-14

III. A new son vv. 15-22

IV. A new obedience vv. 23-27

Recap of July 27, 2008:
1. “God’s opportunity does not come until man’s extremity is reached. This is a lesson we sorely need to take to heart, for it is of great practical importance. The Lord has a reason for all His delays. God not only does that which is right and best but He always acts at the right and best time.” (A. W. Pink)
2. God had to wait to fulfill His promises until Abram and Sarai had gotten to the end of themselves, “at their wit’s end” (Psalm 107:23-32), so to speak.
3. God introduced Himself to Abram with the name “God Almighty” (El Shaddai), which means “the God Who is sufficient.” He has the might to accomplish all He promises, so that He is sufficient for my crisis/challenge, my marriage, my family/children, my needs, my career, and my hopes and dreams.
4. God calls Abram to complete surrender. He is not interested in half-hearted obedience.
5. Abram’s obedience was immediate (vv. 23-27). It is not enough to say that we love God, to sing it or to pray it. We must show it in our actions. (Lawrence Richards)