Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Finishing Well (Part 2)

Click here to download the sermon file.

Recap of 11/29/09:
1. Jacob’s gives his final instructions to his sons in Genesis 49:29-32. Once again he demonstrates his faith in God’s word and shows that his hope was in Canaan (the land God promised Abraham, Isaac, and him) not in Egypt by instructing his sons to bury him there not in Egypt.
2. In his book, The Man in the Mirror, Patrick Morley shares keys to no regret parenting:
-we must give our kids the freedom to be kids-don’t expect them to be perfect; don’t expect them to be miniature adults; adjust expectations to their age and maturity level.
-we must protect them from the world, but remember the goal is protection, not isolation. Rather than withdrawing from the world we must teach them to evaluate the culture around them with discriminating Biblical wisdom and with respect.
-we must encourage them and not embitter them. (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21)
-we must spend time with them, there is no replacement for our time, our children need our presence not just our presents, our greatest success will be our family, not our career, success at home doesn’t preclude success on the job.
-we must pray for them