Monday, November 09, 2009

Last Words, Part 3

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Recap of 11/8/09:
1. “On Jacob’s tombstone, Joseph could have placed th words: ‘He worshipped.’ Years earlier, of course, ‘He deceived’ might have seemed more appropriate, but now that Jacob was almost a century-and-a –half old, he had come a long way with God. At the end of his life, one of his final acts was to worship the God he had both wrestled with and served.” (Chuck Swindoll)
2. In Jacob’s younger days he walked in the flesh (the sinful nature), now that he is older his spiritual growth is evident. He has become a man of faith.
3. Peter urges us Christians to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Growing spiritually, becoming spiritually mature, should be the natural state of the Christian man or woman.
4. A part of growing spiritually will be times of dryness/deadness in our spiritual walk (but if we persist God will bring times of refreshing and fruitfulness, Psalm 126:4-6); as well as times of suffering, that serve to “stamp out our personal ambitions” and “destroy our individual decisions by supernaturally transforming them,” according to Oswald Chambers.