Monday, November 16, 2009

Finishing Well

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Recap of 11/15/09:
1. Jacob looks beyond the coming bondage in Egypt to the conquest and settlement of Canaan. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he evaluates each of his sons and their futures based on their character and decisions. His prophecies in Genesis 49 reach even to the Coming Messiah and His reign in the Millennium.
2. What becomes clear is that actions have consequences, even forgiven sin has practical consequences.
3. Out of adversity and out of suffering came victory and rest for Joseph and his tribe and extravagant blessing.
4. “So Jacob died after 147 years (47:28) of struggle; his sorrow came to an end. Infirmities, he had many; sins, not a few. But Jacob had an unquenchable desire for God’s blessing. He had a deep piety that habitually relied on God in spite of all else. In the end he died as a man of genuine faith. He learned in his life where the real blessings came from, and he fought with God and man to be privileged to hand them on to his sons.” (Dr. Allen Ross)